Kuan Yen Tan has a high tolerance for risk.
Back in 2017, he was working as a senior research scientist at Microsoft and quantum computing was barely attracting VC attention.
But, despite having a young, growing family, Kuan took a big leap of faith:
He left Microsoft to be CTO and co-founder of IQM Quantum Computers.
Fast forward to today:
Global investment in quantum computing has grown to $55+ billion and its practical potential is much closer to being realized.
And IQM has raised well over €200M, building a diverse team of nearly 300 people representing 48 nationalities company in its mission to use quantum computing to solve some of humanity's greatest challenges.
Curious to hear more about some of the key decisions and lessons?
In the latest episode of The High-EQ Founder podcast, Kuan and I talked about:
→ how IQM rounded up a team of 15 experts before they even completed the fund-raise
→ how they organized — and re-organized — management roles to optimize both technical expertise and people management skills
→ the approach that didn’t work in developing strategic partnerships and what they do now instead
→ opportunities and lessons from COVID 19 and how it accelerated organizational learning
Follow Kuan on Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/kuan-yen-tan/
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